

1 Beitrag

MANOWAR: hören auf!

"MANOWARMANOWAR haben auf ihrer Homepage verkündet, dass sie die Band auflösen werden. Die Urväter des True Metals werden noch eine letzte Tour machen, um sich von den Fans zu verabschieden. Tourdaten wurden noch keine bekanntgegeben.

Das sagt die Band: "The Gods And Kings Tour was a groundbreaking moment in our career. The stage, sound, video and you, our fans, were magnificent!
Coming off such an amazing tour it was clear that the next time we must go even bigger and beyond anything we have ever done; something that will fulfill every Manowarrior´s dreams. Then that will be the ultimate moment to say "Thank You" and farewell!

The Final Battle will begin in Germany and take us all over the world to say goodbye to all of you.
Those who join this tour will be left with an eternal memory; having witnessed the band that has dedicated their blood, hearts, souls and every moment of their career to True Heavy Metal.
We are calling all Manowarriors to prepare yourselves now and to join us for The Final Battle!"

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